Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Welcome to Padenom

It is my sincerest belief that when a host (or hostess) decides to invite anyone to an event of any scale, the courteous thing to do is to be quite specific when identifying what the event is. This should always include clarification as to why the event is such a to-do, and even more importantly why the event ought to be so worthy of a person's time and attention (and make no mistake, time is precious).

One never wants to be accused of stealing time from anybody (it's simply not kosher), and I, being said "one" certainly do not want to be accused of wasting your time with this blog. Ergo, I feel it my duty thus to remove myself from this digression and come straight to the point of this potentially pleasurable sojourn which you are now being extended a most warm and welcoming invitation to embark upon. And yet, before we begin this fascinating journey (namely my foregoing "blog"), I feel I must first provide you with some framework, or context to this grand and comely affair. If not only to tantalize your palate and whet your appetite for consuming my scrumptious prose and decadent artistic postings, then at the very least to help you gain a better understanding of my unusual work.

To begin, it is absolutely critical you know that I am, by trade, and artist. And when I say I am an artist, I feel it necessary to establish that by "artist" I don't just mean I slather paint randomly on a canvas with no particular intent or direction, expecting a response of epic proportions (although I admit I have been known to do so). No, nor do I mean that I am one to force meaning onto an object or a construction simply to deem it something it really and obviously isn't (though I confess I am guilty of doing such things also). Indeed, I am what I am, and what I am is an artist in the purest and most unadulterated meaning of the term--which, as it turns out, is rather ambiguous. To be more precise, I am a conceptual artist, and the blog I am about to release on the world is nothing more than a basic, true-to-form "concept" that I have devised, planned and executed of my own free will.

You, the reader (and true subject of this blog), are thus invited to participate as the "audience" for this glorious sampling of my work. Keep in mind that your response to my work is my ultimate objective and the blog, though certainly a wonderful creation unto itself, is only intended to serve as a means to an end. I don't think I can stress this enough. This blog is not the work of art in this case, but the response of the reader is. In essence, it is your reaction to this blog (whatever that reaction may be) that shall elevate this "art" to the apex of its intended form. I realize of course this places an incredibly weighty responsibility on the reader's shoulders, and is also perhaps why I feel such an obligation to explain my intents and the reasons for inviting you along on this curious diversion. Nevertheless, it remains my conviction that after all is said and done you will wholeheartedly agree with me that the time we have entrusted to this thrilling blog was overwhelmingly worth our while.

And now that I have made you thoroughly aware of my aims, any commitment to reading the remainder of this post (or any of those to follow), will be interpreted as your acceptance of my exceedingly generous invitation to take part in this rather unique experience. Whatever the measure of your response proves to be toward this blog, it shall be viewed quite worthily as a priceless and intrinsic addition to the progress and success of this budding work (which I suppose we could technically proclaim to be a "collaboration" between myself and you, the reader).

Though I admit this 'blogging' excursion exposes me to what should be my inevitable failure as a 'blogger' (I must emphasize I don't claim to be one), I have full confidence that, assuming I receive any level of response toward this work, my inadequacies as a blogger will be instantly dismissed once my principal artistic objectives are realized.

One last note about this blog: There is much more going on here than may be readily apparent. In fact, this blog is just a single piece to a much larger puzzle I am currently in the process of crafting. However, if you have an investigative enough spirit and a sufficiently curious mind, there are resources available to help shed further light on this remarkable mystery. If not, simply continue reading and enjoy!

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